Outsourcing Outpatient Services: A Contribution from The Outsourced Outpatient Contract Managers Group (OOCMG).

The successful management of outsourced services is a skill which is increasingly required in the UK NHS.  However it is not something that is widely taught and contract managers tend to operate singly and in isolation.  A group has been created in S.E. England (OOCMG) to share expertise and knowledge in contract managing outsourced outpatient services in hospital pharmacies.  The initial activities of this group may be useful to others and are shared in this article.

The article includes

  • Nature and Type of Services
  • Performance Indicators
  • Costs
  • Staffing and Support Requirements
  • Additional Delivery Services
  • Issues and Risks Log
  • Dealing with PBR excluded medicines and PAS schemes
  • Collection of Prescription Charges
  • Preparing a Business Case
