
Our forthcoming conferences and webinars covering a range of Medicines Optimisation issues with SPS and other great speakers and presenters.
Search our library of past events for recordings, presentations, and interviews with speakers, all to inform your practice.

Recommended across the site

Our advice on switching between medicines covers switching between antidepressants as well as a range of other common medicines switches.
Understand the adalimumab products that are available on contract to the NHS. Choose between them appropriately for organisations or individuals.
Answers to common questions covering: pharmacy responsibilities, medical gas committees, medical gas pipeline systems, gas delivery systems, and governance
Self-administering medicines in hospital can benefit patients and organisations alike and should be encouraged wherever it is safe to do
Crushing or dispersing whole solid dosage forms or opening capsules is an "off-label" use. This includes use for Group A streptococcal infections.
Enzyme-inducing medicines reduce the effectiveness of certain contraceptives. Guidance on using contraception with these medicines is given.
An overview of possible dose equivalences, switching methods and considerations to make before switching between gabapentinoids in adults with neuropathic pain.
Paroxetine and sertraline are the SSRIs of choice. Recommendations apply to full term and healthy infants only.
Imipramine and nortriptyline are the tricyclic antidepressants of choice. Recommendations apply to full term and healthy infants only.
Tramadol and dihydrocodeine can be used while breastfeeding for pain control. Codeine should not be used . Advice applies to full term, healthy infants.


Information and guidance from across SPS on pharmaceutical aspects of COVID-19 vaccines’ use
Guidance for Chief Pharmacists and supporting documents to achieve Institutional Readiness and deployment of COVID-19 Treatments
Resources and tools to support Medicines Optimisation activities during the COVID-19 pandemic
Resources, guidance and support to assess and improve medication safety culture, strategy and policy within the healthcare system
Practical guidance on effective collaboration opportunities to promote medication safety improvements
Effective communication allows for timely responses to new and emerging medication risks and the sharing of potential safety solutions.
Healthcare professionals responsible for medication safety in their organisation must deliver an appropriate response to safety alerts
High quality reporting and management of incidents and harms ensures opportunities for learning and improving medication safety
Practical guidance to ensure opportunities to learn from local intelligence, including patient harm are translated into shared local and national learning
Healthcare professionals delivering the medication safety agenda in their organisation require an understanding of national policy, frameworks and legislation
Effective use provides assurance that an organisation is aware of the most critical medication safety related information, and acts on this to improve safety
Increased medication incident reporting provides greater opportunities for learning and improving medication safety
Practical guidance to support those undertaking medication incident investigations

Recommended in PGDs

National PGD templates are developed with experts for clinical specialties. They reduce duplication and variation, and improve consistency of care.
A step by step guide to help organisations and individuals navigate all stages of the PGD development process
Guidance on when PGDs should not be used and advice on alternative mechanisms for supply and administration of medicines


Latest information on supply issues, actions to take, alternatives to use, and expected resolution dates. Content provided by DHSC and CMU.
Our annual Prescribing Outlook outputs support planning, implementation and budget planning for medicines every year.
Regularly updated biosimilars material, in addition to our annual outputs. Includes specific information on ranibizumab for ocular use.

Recommended for primary care

Summarised recommendations and guidance for medicines requiring monitoring to save you time when you're making monitoring decisions with patients
All our advice on using medicines safely and effectively in patients with swallowing difficulties
All our training and guidance to help decision making about the use of medicines in breastfeeding
All our training and guidance to help decision making about the use of medicines in pregnancy
A pragmatic approach for managing common cardiovascular long-term conditions in older people living with frailty, multimorbidity and polypharmacy