On behalf of the national RMOC system, RMOC (North) has led development of “Shared Care for Medicines Guidance – A Standard Approach”

This guidance defines the principles for a national system of shared care for medicines, and aims to provide a framework for the seamless sharing of care between the patient, specialist service and primary care prescriber in circumstances where this is appropriate, benefits the patient, and is supported by them. It builds on the NHS England guidance “Responsibility for prescribing between primary and secondary/tertiary care” (2018).

A word version of the shared care template and associated letters are available below for local adoption.

A suite of national shared care protocols for the medicines listed in appendix 1 of this guidance has been developed, and the final versions are available on the NHS England website.

If you have any questions or would like to contribute further to this work, please contact rmoc.north@nhs.net.
