
A national PGD created by SPS, the National Ambulance Service Medical Directors (NASMeD) and the Joint Royal Colleges Ambulance Liaison Committee (JRCALC), for medicines commonly supplied or administered within ambulance services commissioned by NHS England.

Templates available

Version 2.0 of this PGD template has been published for organisations to take through relevant local governance processes ahead of the expiry of previous published template.

Version 2.0 is valid for use from the March 2023 when the current template expires.

Templates will be removed from the SPS website on expiry.

National PGD attachment

The national PGD is attached below to download and use in conjunction with our implementation advice.

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National PGD templates are developed with experts for clinical specialties. They reduce duplication and variation, and improve consistency of care.

Update history

  1. V2 uploaded
  1. Published