Advice on using written instructions for the administration of 'flu vaccinations to healthcare staff.


In 2022 a permanent amendment was made to Schedule 17 of the Human Medicines Regulations 2012 to allow occupational health vaccinators working within an NHS body or a local authority operated occupational health scheme to administer influenza or coronavirus vaccines in accordance with a Written Instruction. An occupational health vaccinator is a listed professional (see below) who is employed or engaged by a person operating an occupational health scheme.

Independent and other organisations may use a written instruction administer influenza or coronavirus vaccines as part of an occupational health scheme only registered nurses can operate under a written instruction.

NHS body or Local Authority occupational health vaccinators

The following professions can acts as NHS body or Local Authority occupational health vaccinators:

  • Registered nurses
  • Registered midwives
  • Registered nursing associates
  • Operating department practitioners, paramedics or physiotherapists registered in Part 13, 8 or 9 of the Health and Care Professions Council register
  • Pharmacists

Independent or other organisation staff groups

Within independent or other organisations, only registered nurses can administer under a written instruction.  Occupational health vaccinators cannot operate within non NHS/local authority provided services.

Authorisation within organisations

Authorisation of written instructions within organisations requires the signature of an appropriate registered doctor before they can be used.

  • The written instruction can be adopted by organisations following the signed authorisation of the written instruction by an appropriate doctor.
  • This medical signatory must be the doctor assuming responsibility for the delivery of the influenza vaccination programme to staff within an organisation.
  • This should be an Occupational Health Physician employed by the organisation but where there is no such doctor employed/contracted by the organisation it should be the doctor assuming responsibility for the delivery of the influenza vaccination programme to staff within the organisation (for example the organisation’s Medical Director).

Use within organisations

Once signed and adopted, the written instruction allows named registered healthcare professionals included in the legislation to administer the seasonal influenza vaccination to the organisation’s staff, including peer to peer vaccinators.  Vaccinators must be trained and competent to work in accordance with the written instruction.

Template Written Instructions for ‘flu vaccination 2022/23

Template written instructions have been developed by SPS in partnership with UKHSA, CQC and MHRA.  These are available below for organisations to adapt/adopt and locally approve for use.  Note there are two templates – one for NHS/Local Authority organisations and one for all other organisations.

Written Instruction supporting advice and templates

A factsheet to support the use of the written instruction by organisations and additional advice which is specific to GP practices can be found below.

PGDs within Occupational Health Services

Further advice on the use of PGDs within Occupational Health Services is available in a separate article.

Update history

  1. Templates reattached with minor typing amendment (do not affect content or use)
  1. Written Instruction templates for 22/23 'flu season added
  1. Update to expected release date of WI templates
  1. Updated GP advice and factsheet added
  1. 2021/22 WI templates removed. Wording regarding publication of 22/23 WI templates added.
  1. Updated versions fact sheet and GP advice added
  1. Published