The National Pharmacy Procurement Specialists Committee (NPPSC) have produced a number of audit tools which are available for use locally in trusts.  Trustswho have collected data should share this with their local procurement specialist for wider benchmarking.

  1. Audit of Procurement Service
    This tool has been most recently updated in NW to reflect the RPS standards.  It enables an audit of the complete local pharmacy procurement service.
  2. Deliveries Audit Tool
    This standardises the collection of the number of deliveries (a Carter metric).
  3. Wholesaler Performance Monitoring
    This tool standardises the collection of information on wholesaler supply performance to allow national benchmarking.  (It could also be used for other categories of supplier if required).
  4. Wholesaler Issues Template
    This tool allows standardised collection and identification of the issues trusts encounter in dealing with wholeslaers (i.e. it is diagnostic).  It could also be used for other categories of supplier if required.
