


Using codeine, dihydrocodeine or tramadol during breastfeeding

17 January 2023Tramadol and dihydrocodeine can be used while breastfeeding for pain control. Codeine should not be used . Advice applies to full term, healthy infants.

Using opioids for pain relief during pregnancy

10 August 2022Opioid analgesics may be used at any stage of pregnancy at the lowest effective dose for the short-term relief of pain when other analgesics are not effective.

Example medicines to prescribe by brand name in primary care

27 March 2022Prescribe certain medicines by brand to ensure supply of the same product. Examples are grouped by therapeutic area. The list of products is not exhaustive.

Supply and/or administration of Controlled Drugs under a PGD

16 November 2021This article summarises the legal position on the supply and/or administration of controlled drugs under PGDs.

Estimating dose equivalence from oral morphine to other opioids

14 September 2021Use our tool to obtain approximate dose equivalences of oral morphine to other oral opioids and help you calculate an estimated equivalent dose
Search Articles

Medicine Compliance Aid Stability

Maxitram SREthypharm UK Ltd

Ethypharm UK Ltd
Maxitram SR
Capsules m/r 50mg, 100mg, 150mg, 200mg
A2 · Amber 2No stability data is available, the manufacturer does not, or cannot recommend use in CAs but there are no theoretical concerns with the product.
No special precautions for storage
No special requirements for storage.
12 January 2022

Zydol XLGrunenthal Ltd

Grunenthal Ltd
Zydol XL
Tablets f/c m/r 150mg, 200mg, 300mg, 400mg
A3 · Amber 3No stability data is available. There are theoretical concerns with use in CAs, which may be mitigated by risk minimisation.
Airtight container
Store in airtight containers.
18 October 2022

Tradorec XLEndo Ventures Limited

Endo Ventures Limited
Tradorec XL
Tablets m/r 100mg, 200mg, 300mg
A3 · Amber 3No stability data is available. There are theoretical concerns with use in CAs, which may be mitigated by risk minimisation.
Airtight container
Airtight container.
12 January 2022

Zydol SRGrunenthal Ltd

Grunenthal Ltd
Zydol SR
Tablets m/r 50mg, 100mg, 150mg, 200mg
A3 · Amber 3No stability data is available. There are theoretical concerns with use in CAs, which may be mitigated by risk minimisation.
Airtight container
Store in airtight containers.
18 October 2022

Zeridame SRAccord Healthcare Limited

Accord Healthcare Limited
Zeridame SR
Tablets m/r 100mg, 150mg, 200mg
A1 · Amber 1Stability data is available in an alternative container (not CAs) that may be extrapolated to support storage in CAs.
Protect from moisture
Can be stored for up to 28 days in alternative container. Protect from moisture.
12 January 2022

Zamadol SRMylan

Zamadol SR
Capsules m/r 50mg, 100mg, 150mg, 200mg
A3 · Amber 3No stability data is available. There are theoretical concerns with use in CAs, which may be mitigated by risk minimisation.
Protect from moisture
Protect from moisture.
12 January 2022

Tramquel SRMylan

Tramquel SR
Capsules m/r 50mg, 100mg, 150mg, 200mg
A3 · Amber 3No stability data is available. There are theoretical concerns with use in CAs, which may be mitigated by risk minimisation.
Protect from moisture
Protect from moisture.
12 January 2022

Zamadol MeltMylan

Zamadol Melt
Tablets orodispersible 50mg
R2 · Red 2Drug is not suitable for CAs due to theoretical reasons that cannot be mitigated.
Dispersible tablets so unsuitable for MCA.
12 January 2022

MarolMorningside Healthcare Ltd

Morningside Healthcare Ltd
Tablets m/r 100mg, 150mg, 200mg
A3 · Amber 3No stability data is available. There are theoretical concerns with use in CAs, which may be mitigated by risk minimisation.
Airtight container
Airtight container.
2 December 2022

genericAurobindo Pharma - Milpharm Ltd.

Aurobindo Pharma - Milpharm Ltd.
Capsules 50mg
A2 · Amber 2No stability data is available, the manufacturer does not, or cannot recommend use in CAs but there are no theoretical concerns with the product.
No special precautions for storage
No special requirements for storage.
7 December 2022


Capsules 50mg
A2 · Amber 2No stability data is available, the manufacturer does not, or cannot recommend use in CAs but there are no theoretical concerns with the product.
No special precautions for storage
No special storage conditions required.
12 January 2022

ZydolGrunenthal Ltd

Grunenthal Ltd
Capsules 50mg
A2 · Amber 2No stability data is available, the manufacturer does not, or cannot recommend use in CAs but there are no theoretical concerns with the product.
No special precautions for storage
No special requrements for storage
12 January 2022

ZydolGrunenthal Ltd

Grunenthal Ltd
Tablets soluble 50mg
R2 · Red 2Drug is not suitable for CAs due to theoretical reasons that cannot be mitigated.
Soluble tablet - unsuitable for MCA
12 January 2022

Larapam SRSandoz Ltd

Sandoz Ltd
Larapam SR
Tablets m/r 100mg, 150mg, 200mg
A3 · Amber 3No stability data is available. There are theoretical concerns with use in CAs, which may be mitigated by risk minimisation.
Airtight container
Airtight container.
2 December 2022

MabronMorningside Healthcare Ltd

Morningside Healthcare Ltd
Tablets m/r 100mg, 150mg, 200mg
A3 · Amber 3No stability data is available. There are theoretical concerns with use in CAs, which may be mitigated by risk minimisation.
Airtight container
Airtight container.
2 December 2022