

Medicine Compliance Aid Stability

MaxaltOrganon Pharma (UK) Limited

Organon Pharma (UK) Limited
Tablets 5mg, 10mg
A2 · Amber 2No stability data is available, the manufacturer does not, or cannot recommend use in CAs but there are no theoretical concerns with the product.
No special precautions for storage
No special requirements for storage.
22 November 2022

Maxalt MeltOrganon Pharma (UK) Limited

Organon Pharma (UK) Limited
Maxalt Melt
Oral lyophilisates 10mg
R2 · Red 2Drug is not suitable for CAs due to theoretical reasons that cannot be mitigated.
Unsuitable for MCA as hygroscopic.
22 November 2022

Lactation Safety Information

No published evidence of safety
5HT1-receptor agonist for treatment of acute migraine
18 September 2020