


Preparing to use ranibizumab biosimilar

29 June 2022Ranibizumab biosimilar needs planning. Ensure you are familiar with the area and then develop an implementation plan working with the multidisciplinary team.

Good governance when implementing ranibizumab biosimilar

29 June 2022Governance should consider processes for approval; procurement and supply; prescribing and administration; monitoring; and pharmacovigilance.

The licence and supporting evidence for ranibizumab biosimilar

29 June 2022A licensed ranibizumab biosimilar is available from Teva: Ongavia. Learn about the licensed indications and supporting evidence.
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Refrigerated Storage

LucentisNovartis Pharmaceuticals

Novartis Pharmaceuticals
10 mg/mL solution for injection (vial and pre-filled syringe)

In the event of an inadvertent temperature excursion the following data may be used:

Prior to use, the unopened product may be kept at room temperature (25°C) for up to 24 hours.

Please also refer to the manufacturer’s product literature for recommended storage information at

26 January 2022
London MI Service

OngaviaBioeq/Midas. UK Sales and Marketing: Teva

Bioeq/Midas. UK Sales and Marketing: Teva
10mg/mL solution for injection (vial)

In the event of an inadvertent temperature excursion the following data may be used:

The following temperature excursions are considered non-critical:

  • Between 8°C and 25°C for a maximum duration of 16 hours
  • Between 25°C and 30°C for a maximum duration of 4 hours
  • Between -10°C and 2°C for a maximum duration of 24 hours

Prior to use, the unopened product may be kept at room temperature (25°C) for up to 24 hours.
Contact Teva in cases where additional stability data is required. Refer to the electronic medicines compendium (eMC) at for company contact details and manufacturer’s product literature.

5 July 2022
London MI Service

Lactation Safety Information

Very limited published evidence of safety
Negligible levels anticipated in milk due to the drug’s properties
16 September 2020