


Using folic acid with methotrexate in rheumatoid arthritis

20 February 2023Folic acid is used to reduce methotrexate associated adverse effects in people with rheumatoid arthritis. This page guides appropriate dosing.

Methotrexate products: information for supporting intrathecal risk assessment

11 August 2022Methotrexate products vary in their licensed status and other characteristics which affects their suitability for intrathecal administration

Advising on missed or delayed doses of medicines

15 October 2021Guidance to advise people who occasionally forget or are late in taking a dose of their medicine(s).

What injections can be given orally or via enteral feeding tubes?

6 November 2020This updated Medicines Q&A is a quick reference summary to different types of enteral feeding tubes, in relation to medication issues. Not all enteral feeding…
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Medicine Compliance Aid Stability

MaxtrexPfizer Ltd

Pfizer Ltd
Tablets 2.5mg, 10mg
R2 · Red 2Drug is not suitable for CAs due to theoretical reasons that cannot be mitigated.
Tablets are cytotoxic.
19 August 2022

genericHospira UK

Hospira UK
Tablets 10mg
R2 · Red 2Drug is not suitable for CAs due to theoretical reasons that cannot be mitigated.
Tablets are cytotoxic.
20 December 2022

genericOrion Pharma (UK) Ltd

Orion Pharma (UK) Ltd
Tablets 2.5mg, 10mg
R2 · Red 2Drug is not suitable for CAs due to theoretical reasons that cannot be mitigated.
Tablets are cytotoxic.
20 December 2022

genericSandoz Ltd

Sandoz Ltd
Tablets 2.5mg, 10mg
R2 · Red 2Drug is not suitable for CAs due to theoretical reasons that cannot be mitigated.
Tablets are cytotoxic.
20 December 2022

Lactation Safety Information

As antineoplastic

As antineoplastic
Limited published evidence indicates small amounts in breast milk
If used as monotherapy, monitor infant’s blood count and do not resume breastfeeding until at least 4 days after a dose – longer with high doses
Discontinue breastfeeding if used in combination with other antineoplastics
17 September 2018

For rheumatoid arthritis

For rheumatoid arthritis
See summary
Limited published evidence indicates small amounts in breast milk after weekly administration
Monitor infant’s blood count and do not resume breastfeeding until at least 24 hours after a weekly dose not exceeding 25mg
19 September 2019

For psoriasis

For psoriasis
Topical psoriasis preparation / corticosteroid if appropriate
Limited published evidence indicates small amounts in breast milk after weekly administration
Monitor infant’s blood count and do not resume breastfeeding until at least 24 hours after a weekly dose not exceeding 25mg
16 September 2019

For inflammatory bowel disease

For inflammatory bowel disease
See summary
Limited published evidence indicates small amounts in breast milk after weekly administration
Monitor infant’s blood count and do not resume breastfeeding until at least 24 hours after a weekly dose not exceeding 25mg
16 September 2019