


Lidocaine 10mg/ml spray for IUC insertion or removal

19 January 2023Template protocol for the administration of lidocaine 10mg/ml spray to facilitate intrauterine contraception (IUC) insertion or removal

Lidocaine plus prilocaine cream for IUC insertion or removal

19 January 2023Template protocol to administer topical anaesthetic cream (e.g. EMLA Cream 5%, Nulbia 5% cream) for intrauterine contraception (IUC) insertion or removal

Lidocaine products: information for supporting intrathecal risk assessment

11 August 2022Lidocaine products vary in their licensed status and other characteristics which affects their suitability for intrathecal administration

Ceftriaxone intramuscular injection for Neisseria gonorrhoeae

5 October 2021A PGD template developed by SPS and the British Association of Sexual Health and HIV (BASHH) and British Association of HIV (BHIVA).

Lidocaine injection for subdermal etonogestrel in contraception

4 October 2021A PGD template developed by SPS and the Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Health (FSRH).
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Lactation Safety Information

Intravenous as anti-arrhythmic

as anti-arrhythmic
Small amounts in breast milk
Moderate published evidence of use in breastfeeding
Minimal absorption from the infant’s GI tract
Used in full-term neonates from birth
30 July 2020

For local anaesthesia

For local anaesthesia
Limited published evidence of safety
This entry applies to all uses (infiltration, regional and surface anaesthesia and nerve blocks) and formulations (injection/topical) of lidocaine for local anaesthesia, including injections with adrenaline
Small amounts in breast milk and minimal absorption from the infant’s GI tract
30 July 2020

For ophthalmic use

For ophthalmic use
Only available in combination with fluorescein for which there are no additional risks
30 July 2020

Ointment/spray for orophayngeal use

Ointment/spray for orophayngeal use
30 July 2020


Topical/rectal use for short periods in combination with a corticosteroid considered to present minimal risk to breastfed infant
30 July 2020