

Refrigerated Storage

NormosangRecordati Rare Diseases UK

Recordati Rare Diseases UK
Concentrate for solution for infusion

In the event of an inadvertent temperature excursion the following data may be used:
In-house stability data from the manufacturer for this product support, that continuous or episodic exposure to temperatures stated below does not affect the quality of the product nor will the exposure reduce the total shelf life of the products.
-20°C to 2°C for a period of time up to 7 days
8°C to 15°C for a period of time up to 7 days
15°C to 25°C for a period of time up to 5 days
25°C to 40°C for a period of time up to 3 days

Please also refer to the manufacturer’s product literature for recommended storage information at

20 January 2022
London MI Service

Lactation Safety Information

Human hemin for acute porphyria

Human hemin for acute porphyria
No published evidence of safety
Due to the drug’s properties, low levels anticipated in milk which are likely to be degraded in infant’s GI tract
7 August 2020