


Using solid oral dosage form antibiotics in children

7 December 2022Crushing or dispersing whole solid dosage forms or opening capsules is an "off-label" use. This includes use for Group A streptococcal infections.

What is the optimal prokinetic dose of erythromycin in adults?

22 October 2020This updated Medicines Q&A evaluates the available evidence for the use of erythromycin as a prokinetic agent in adults Summary The ideal prokinetic dose of…
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Medicine Compliance Aid Stability

genericSovreign Medical

Sovreign Medical
Tablets 250mg
A3 · Amber 3No stability data is available. There are theoretical concerns with use in CAs, which may be mitigated by risk minimisation.
Airtight container
Protect from light
Protect from moisture
Protect from light. Protect from moisture. Airtight container.
17 November 2022

Erythroped AAdvanz Pharma

Advanz Pharma
Erythroped A
Tablets 500mg
A3 · Amber 3No stability data is available. There are theoretical concerns with use in CAs, which may be mitigated by risk minimisation.
Airtight container
Protect from light
Protect from moisture
Protect from light & store in airtight container. Protect from moisture.
12 January 2023

Lactation Safety Information

Oral / Intravenous

Oral / Intravenous
Limited published evidence of safety
Small amounts in breast milk
Used in full-term neonates from birth
One case report of hypertrophic pyloric stenosis, and additional minor adverse effects, in a breastfed infant
23 September 2020


Minimal systemic absorption by mother
23 September 2020