


Managing constipation in people taking clozapine

14 October 2022Constipation in people taking clozapine can be fatal. Guidance on preventing and managing constipation in these individuals is described.
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Medicine Compliance Aid Stability

DenzapineBritannia Pharmaceuticals Ltd

Britannia Pharmaceuticals Ltd
Tablets 25mg, 50mg, 100mg, 200mg
A3 · Amber 3No stability data is available. There are theoretical concerns with use in CAs, which may be mitigated by risk minimisation.
Airtight container
Protect from light
Protect from light. Sensitive to oxygen. Max 28 days in MCA.
7 November 2022


Tablets 25mg, 100mg
A3 · Amber 3No stability data is available. There are theoretical concerns with use in CAs, which may be mitigated by risk minimisation.
Airtight container
Max 28 days in MCA. Sensitive to oxygen.
9 November 2022

ZaponexLeyden Delta BV

Leyden Delta BV
Tablets 25mg, 100mg
A3 · Amber 3No stability data is available. There are theoretical concerns with use in CAs, which may be mitigated by risk minimisation.
Airtight container
Max 28 days in MCA. Sensitive to oxygen.
7 November 2022

Lactation Safety Information

Quetiapine, Haloperidol
Limited data suggest that clozapine may accumulate in breast milk
Agranulocytosis and delayed speech reported in breastfed infants
9 November 2018