

Refrigerated Storage

BotoxAllergan Ltd

Allergan Ltd
Powder for solution for injection 50, 100, 200 units/vial

In the event of an inadvertent temperature excursion the following data may be used:

There is no effect on the stability of the product if it is exposed to temperatures:
Within a range of -70°C  to 30°C  for a period of no more than five days (120 hours)

Please also refer to the manufacturer’s product literature for recommended storage information at

The product should be returned to the fridge as soon as possible and marked "use first" if exposed to the storage conditions specified above.
25 March 2021
London MI Service


125 units powder for solution for injection

Contact Galderma in all cases where a deviation from the recommended storage conditions has occurred. Refer to the current BNF for company contact details.
Please also refer to the manufacturer’s product literature for recommended storage information at

22 September 2021
London MI Service


Powder for solution for injection (300units or 500units)

Contact Ipsen in all cases where a deviation from the recommended storage conditions has occurred. Refer to the current BNF for company contact details.

12 November 2021
London MI Service

Lactation Safety Information

No published evidence of safety after therapeutic use. Botulism in a mother showed no transfer of toxin to infant via breast milk
No systemic absorption in mother if used correctly. Therefore, not expected to be found in breast milk
Delay cosmetic use until infant weaned
8 November 2018