

Medicine Compliance Aid Stability

BezalipActavis UK Ltd

Actavis UK Ltd
Tablets f/c 200mg
A2 · Amber 2No stability data is available, the manufacturer does not, or cannot recommend use in CAs but there are no theoretical concerns with the product.
No special precautions for storage
No specific storage requirements.
1 November 2022

Bezalip MonoActavis UK Ltd

Actavis UK Ltd
Bezalip Mono
Tablets m/r 400mg
A2 · Amber 2No stability data is available, the manufacturer does not, or cannot recommend use in CAs but there are no theoretical concerns with the product.
No special precautions for storage
No specific storage requirements.
1 November 2022

Lactation Safety Information

Bile acid sequestrants (if appropriate)
No published evidence of safety
Possible impact on neonatal development
Serious adverse effects reported in adults
18 March 2017