


Agomelatine to other antidepressants: switching in adults

17 February 2023How to switch safely from agomelatine to other antidepressants. Seek specialist advice for complex switches.

Choosing an antidepressant for people with coronary heart disease

2 July 2021Prescribers may need to choose a safe antidepressant in people with CHD. We guide on available options. We do not cover management of complex depression.
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Medicine Compliance Aid Stability

ValdoxanServier Laboratories Ltd

Servier Laboratories Ltd
Tablets f/c 25mg
A2 · Amber 2No stability data is available, the manufacturer does not, or cannot recommend use in CAs but there are no theoretical concerns with the product.
No special precautions for storage
No special precautions for storage.
20 October 2022

Lactation Safety Information

TCA: imipramine/nortriptyline SSRI: paroxetine/sertraline
Very limited published evidence of safety
Low levels anticipated in milk due to the drug’s properties
Monitor infant for drowsiness, poor feeding, irritability/behavioural effects
3 August 2020