All our training and guidance to help decision making about the use of medicines in pregnancy

Treatment resources

Both pre-existing and new conditions need to be managed carefully during pregnancy. Maintaining good maternal health supports good foetal health and development. Good medicines choices in pregnancy can also enable safe medicines use in breastfeeding.

Articles below discuss and signpost to advice on safe and effective treatment during pregnancy for a range of common conditions.

Allergy, immunology and pregnancy

Hayfever or allergic rhinitis: treatment during pregnancy

Signposting evidence-based information on the treatment of hayfever or allergic rhinitis in pregnancy

Cardiovascular disorders and pregnancy

Hypertension: treatment during pregnancy

Signposting evidence-based information on the treatment of hypertension in pregnancy

COVID-19 treatments and pregnancy

Endocrine disorders and pregnancy

Diabetes: treatment during pregnancy

Signposting evidence-based information on the treatment of diabetes in pregnancy

Gastrointestinal disorders and pregnancy

Nausea and Vomiting: treatment during pregnancy

Signposting evidence-based information on the treatment of nausea and vomiting in pregnancy

Constipation: treatment during pregnancy

Signposting evidence-based information on the treatment of constipation in pregnancy

Heartburn and Dyspepsia: treatment during pregnancy

Signposting evidence-based information on the treatment of heartburn and dyspepsia in pregnancy

Haemorrhoids: treatment during pregnancy

Signposting evidence-based information on the treatment of haemorrhoids in pregnancy

Haematological disorders and pregnancy

Vitamin B12 deficiency: treatment during pregnancy

Intramuscular hydroxocobalamin is the preferred treatment choice for management of clinically relevant vitamin B12 deficiency, including during pregnancy.

Dosing and monitoring for treatment of Vitamin D deficiency in pregnancy

Effective treatment of vitamin D deficiency in pregnancy requires consideration of treatment regimens, monitoring, and preferred forms of vitamin D.

Infections and pregnancy

Urinary tract infection: treatment during pregnancy

Signposting evidence-based information on the treatment of urinary tract infection in pregnancy

Thrush or vaginal candida: treatment during pregnancy

Signposting evidence-based information on the treatment of thrush or vaginal Candida in pregnancy

Mental health and pregnancy

Depression: treatment during pregnancy

Signposting evidence-based information on the treatment of depression in pregnancy

Neurological disorders and pregnancy

Epilepsy: treatment during pregnancy

Signposting evidence-based information on the treatment of epilepsy in pregnancy

Pain and pregnancy

Using opioids for pain relief during pregnancy

Opioid analgesics may be used at any stage of pregnancy at the lowest effective dose for the short-term relief of pain when other analgesics are not effective.

Pain: treatment during pregnancy

Signposting evidence-based information on the treatment of pain in pregnancy

Respiratory conditions and pregnancy

Asthma: treatment during pregnancy

Signposting evidence-based information on the treatment of asthma during pregnancy