Template protocol for the administration of lidocaine 10mg/ml spray to facilitate intrauterine contraception (IUC) insertion or removal
Safe administration of intravenous injections is paramount. Consideration of the risks associated with different delivery methods is essential.
Careful use of effervescent or soluble tablets to deliver part tablet doses for children and neonates can minimise risks of toxicity or suboptimal therapy.
Suitable medicines must be stored safely and securely in accordance with organisational policy, while still supporting self-administration
Patients under hospital care should be supported to continue self-administering unless there are good reasons why they are unable to
Duties and responsibilities are outlined for both staff and patients during the process of self-administration of medicines (SAM)
Self-administering medicines in hospital can benefit patients and organisations alike and should be encouraged wherever it is safe to do
Administration of medicines needs to be undertaken by appropriately trained healthcare staff operating under a legal governance framework
Crushing or dispersing whole solid dosage forms or opening capsules is an "off-label" use. This includes use for Group A streptococcal infections.