We’re supporting healthcare professionals in England with pharmaceutical aspects of the COVID-19 vaccination programme; read our service remit to find out more.

Our remit

Our remit as part of the programme is to make available to health care professionals in England information and advice to inform local decision making as part of the pharmaceutical oversight required by the vaccination programme.

Our information and asking us questions

All the information we produce about the COVID-19 Vaccination Programme is available in a dedicated area of our website.

If you’ve not been able to find an answer to your question you can get in touch with us directly if you’re a healthcare professional in England. However, when getting in touch, we’d ask colleagues to note that:

  • We’re unable to respond to questions from the general public. Any questions relating to direct patient care will be directed to the relevant service in the vaccination programme.
  • We cannot make decisions on behalf of others.
  • We will make every effort to ensure that our advice will always be based on the best and most recent validated information available to us at the time.
  • Where the topic under discussion is subject to legal or regulatory control, our advice cannot use information which has not been approved by the relevant regulator or legal team.
  • In circumstances where vaccine manufacturers may have released information about their products in response to a direct enquiry by NHS staff, which has not been submitted to or reviewed by MHRA, our advice is unable to take this information into account or provide comment when formulating advice. Health care professionals who choose to use such information to inform their decision-making, do so entirely on their own professional responsibility and at their own risk.

Advice for patients

Our service remit for the COVID-19 vaccination programme does not include answering questions directly from members of the public.

Patients and members of the public with vaccination questions

If you’re a member of the public or patient who has questions about COVID-19 vaccines you should: