Our main purpose is simple: to improve the use of medicines to help people live longer, fuller lives. We do this by joining together experts to create a rich source of impartial advice for pharmacists and other professionals using medicines.

We’re proud to play our part in the NHS in improving the use of medicines so people live longer, fuller lives. We are SPS.

Our users

We serve professionals across the NHS who are involved in all aspects of buying, making and using medicines.

Our values

Our values express the beliefs of Specialist Pharmacy Service. They drive our decisions and determine our focus.

Who we are

Our team consists of approximately 100 whole time equivalent senior pharmacists, pharmacy technicians and support staff.

COVID-19 Vaccination

We're supporting healthcare professionals in England with pharmaceutical aspects of the COVID-19 vaccination programme; read our service remit to find out more.

How we are funded

SPS is commissioned and funded by NHS England, the body that leads the National Health Service in England.

Our transformation

Learn about how and why our service is changing.

Get in touch

Get in touch with the Medicines Information and Medicines Quality Assurance parts of our service if you have a question.