This article summarises the legal position on the supply and/or administration of controlled drugs under PGDs.


The use of controlled drugs is regulated under the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 and the Misuse of Drugs Regulations 2001.

It is this legislation which controls which controlled drugs can be administered under PGDs and by which professions.

Restrictions on CD use under PGDs for specific professions

Not all professions listed in the PGD legislation can administer controlled drugs under a PGD.

The following regulated professions groups cannot administer or supply any controlled drugs, in any of the five schedules, under a PGD:

  • Dietitians
  • Speech & language therapists
  • Dental therapists
  • Dental hygienists

Restrictions on CD use under PGDs by CD Schedule

The following details which CDs can be supplied/administered under PGDs.

Unless listed below a CD cannot be administered or supplied under a PGD.

Schedule 2:

Morphine and diamorphine – only by registered nurses and pharmacists for the immediate necessary treatment of a sick or injured person. Not for treating addiction.


Schedule 3:


Schedule 4:

All drugs except anabolic steroids and injectable medications used for treating addiction.

Schedule 5:

All drugs


Specifically note that since their reclassification as Schedule 3 controlled drugs (CD No Register POM) tramadol, gabapentin and pregabalin may not be supplied and administered under a PGD.

Further information

Refer to the Care Quality Commission website for information on law, guidance and useful links on the safer management of controlled drugs.

Update history

  1. Reformatted
  1. Page reviewed - no changes required.
  2. Published