Suppliers Audit Database

Published Last updated See all updates

The supplier audit databases have been set up to make best use of the NHS supplier audits performed across the United Kingdom

NHSPQA Supplier Audit databases are attached below.

The databases have been set up to make best use of the NHS supplier audits performed across the United Kingdom by pooling the information (since 1997).

A database of supplier audits completed by UKRG has also been added

Audited companies include suppliers of medicines, raw materials, packaging component printers, and any others providing a service to the NHS.

Two versions of the database are available;

Current Supplier database lists the audits conducted since 2015.
Pre 2015 Supplier Audit database lists audits conducted before 2015.

Audits are ideally performed by NHS QA staff located in the same ‘region’ as the company being audited. NHS staff from other disciplines (such as Purchasing and Technical Services for example) may be invited to join the audit team.

To use this database

  • Identify the company of interest
  • E-mailing the auditor(s) listed or to request the audit report and associated action plan.
  • On receipt of the audit report determine whether the report answers your questions / queries
  • Bear in mind the date the findings of the auditors and the audit was completed.

It must be noted that these are quality systems audits and are not to be considered as a commercial endorsement of the company.

You may accept that the audit fulfills your requirements or you may then wish to:

  • Follow-up any particular issues with the company
  • Review any remedial action (if required) taken
  • Request re-audit
  • Complete an audit yourself

Please e-mail completed audit reports to or to for inclusion into the database.

Please note audit reports are considered confidential between the company and the NHS.

Audited companies must not distribute the reports to further their business.

Access and use of this data is restricted to members of the NHS Pharmaceutical Quality Assurance Committee and to others by application to the Chairman / Committee.


Update history

  1. Updated current audt database Additional database of supplier audits conducted by UKRG added
  1. Published