Additional information relating to breastfeeding

To be used in conjunction with individual drug entries for specific information and guidance.

  • Drugs for dyspepsia
    Aluminium and magnesium are found in breast milk and infant foods, and have poor oral absorption. No adverse effects in breastfeeding infants have been reported. Their use for dyspepsia and gastro-oesophageal reflux is considered to be compatible with breastfeeding.
    Alginates are found in compound medicines containing other antacids.


  • H2-receptor antagonists
    Although data is lacking, the use of any H2-receptor antagonist in breastfeeding mothers does not appear to pose a significant risk to the infant and no adverse effects have been reported. Ranitidine is H2 antagonist of choice. Cimetidine use limited by potential for drug interactions.


  • Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs)
    Omeprazole and pantoprazole are the PPIs of choice, even though the evidence is limited. There is currently no evidence to support the use of other PPIs, even though they are probably also safe to use.