Additional information relating to breastfeeding

To be used in conjunction with individual drug entries for specific information and guidance.

Monamine-oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs)

Due to the absence of data on use in lactation, and the potential for serious interactions with some foods and drugs, first generation MAOIs should not be used during lactation.

Moclobemide is not considered to be a first line antidepressant for use during lactation.

Other antidepressants

None of the antidepressants is this group of miscellaneous antidepressants are considered to be first line for use during lactation. All infants should be monitored for drowsiness, poor feeding, irritability/behavioural effects.

Update history

  1. Tricyclic information removed; now available in a stand alone article
  1. SSRI information removed; now available in a stand alone article
  1. Published