On behalf of the national Regional Medicines Optimisation Committee system, RMOC (South) has led development of “Buprenorphine long-acting injection: considerations for opioid substitution treatment use in community settings and secure environments in England

This guidance is intended for use by substance misuse service providers (SMSP) in all settings, commissioners, community pharmacies and acute Trusts in England. For this guidance, SMSPs should be interpreted as providers within community and Health and Justice settings (such as prisons, immigration removal centres, children and young people secure estates). The guidance includes the following:

  • Commencing treatment
  • Practical considerations in different care settings
  • Transfer of care
  • Clinical scenarios
  • Recommendations

A “Buvidal® cost calculator” is also attached to provide guidance to organisations/commissioners on the potential financial impact of Buvidal® implementation for a local population.

If you have any questions, please contact rmoc.south@nhs.net.
