Rarely Used and Urgent Medicines List

Published Last updated See all updates


This position statement and user guide have been approved by RMOC (London).

The position statement includes a list of Rarely Used and Urgent Medicines. The list indicates which medicines should be stocked locally, and which could be obtained via other methods when the need arises.

The “How To” guide has been produced to instruct pharmacy staff how to access Rx-info’s Define system and identify which local Trusts have recently issued medicines included in this list.

February 2021 update to Position Statement

This update incorporates changes made by Public Health England (PHE) to the way rabies vaccine is supplied (see information here) and PHE recommendations about access to stock of rabies vaccine on each site (see letter here).

Notice regarding May 2018 Position Statement on Antidotes and Rarely Used Medicines


Advice relating to Antidotes in the May 2018 Position Statement still stands. Recommendations relating to Rarely Used Medicines have been superseded by this Position Statement.


Update history

  1. Layout of text changed. Position Statement v1.1 added.
  1. Published