UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) Patient Group Direction Templates

Source Public Health EnglandPublished Last updated See all updates

PGD templates are developed by UKHSA for a variety of clinical scenarios. Links are provided as well as a summary of authorisation and implementation processes.

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About UKHSA templates

UKHSA templates exist in a variety of areas. All have been clinically authorised by a doctor, pharmacist and nurse.

Authorisation process

To be legally valid PGDs the templates require further authorisation (in Section 2) by an appropriate person on behalf of the commissioner or provider organisation, in accordance with PGD legislation and National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guidance.
This person may be a clinical governance lead, patient safety lead, or other appropriate individual who has designated responsibility for signing PGDs for the organisation. The PGD must not be used without this local, formal authorisation.

Implementation process

A number of other points relate to the implementation of these PGDs; these include:

  • Practitioners wishing to use a PGD must also be designated in writing (i.e. in Section 7) and authorised to work under it.
  • Adoption and governance of the use of UKHSA PGD templates is the responsibility of the authorising commissioning body and providers.
  • Provider organisations and health professionals should check they are working to the current PGD versions and only work to legally authorised PGDs from their organisation or appropriate commissioner.

Further advice

For further information, the relevant UKHSA team detailed in the PGD should be contacted.

Update history

  1. Page reviewed. PHE changed throughout to UKHSA.
  1. Published