Primary care pharmacy professionals met online with Dr Kieran Hand, National Pharmacy & Prescribing Clinical Lead for Antimicrobial Resistance


4 October 2022

About the Event

Dr Kieran Hand outlined the current vision and strategy for antimicrobial stewardship from the NHSE AMR programme and asked for feedback from webinar attendees.

The ‘on the couch’ discussion with Paula Andrews and Katie Heard explored the challenges around the management of antibiotics in primary care and discussed potential strategies for meeting these challenges.

Why it’s important

Antibiotic resistance continues to pose a threat to public health.  Pharmacy professionals remain in the front line to safeguard antibiotics for the future.

What was covered

  • What the vision and strategy from the NHSE AMR programme contains
  • What challenges primary care pharmacy staff face with respect to antimicrobials
  • Potential solutions to these challenges


The recording of the webinar can be found here


Our guest speakers:

Dr Kieran Hand, AMR: National Pharmacy & Prescribing Clinical Lead, NHS England & NHS Improvement

Paula Andrews, Medicines Optimisation Technician, Hampshire and Isle of Wight Integrated Care Board

Katie Heard, Highly Specialised Pharmacist working in an RPS approved Antimicrobial Consultant Pharmacist Post
(Undergoing Credentialing) – Somerset

SPS Speakers

Our MC for this webinar was Nicola Wake and Barry Jubraj monitored the chat box.  You can learn more about Barry and Nicola below.


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