Managing patients with cardiovascular disease – an ‘On the Couch’ discussion between specialist pharmacists and those working in primary care


19 August 2021



About the event

Discussing the dilemmas in treating cardiovascular disease in primary care and seeing if the same problems are being felt throughout the country.

Why it’s important

As a pharmacist working in primary care, you are not alone and there is always support available.

What was covered

The discussion included:

  • Medicines optimisation
  • Where to access support


A range of speakers ran this event from SPS and other organisations

SPS speakers

Dr Barry Jubraj facilitated this webinar and you can read more about berry by following the link.

Non-SPS Speakers

Our panel experts for this webinar were:

Alison Warren

Consultant Pharmacist, Cardiology
Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust

Marie Mullans

Clinical Pharmacist
Whitby Coast and Moors Primary Care Network


Access the recording of the webinar

Contact us

Contact the Admin Team if you have any questions