Preparing Spikevax Bivalent vaccine

Published Last updated See all updates

An example SOP for preparing Spikevax Bivalent Vaccine

Example Procedure

Spikevax Bivalent vaccine must be prepared carefully following the manufacturer’s instructions.

Each dose is 0.5mL. Be aware, this is different to the booster course dose volume for Spikevax Original vaccine.

We have produced an example template Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for the preparation of the Spikevax Bivalent vaccine. The attachment is presented in Word to enable adaptation locally, or as reference source to check that existing local procedures are robust and comprehensive. Within the SOP, red text indicates where detail is to be added locally.


Changes to preparation procedures August 2022

Prior to August 2022, SPS preparation SOPs were specific to the location of preparation (e.g. hospital or PCN), and included a short form preparation work instruction.

As the process of preparing the Spikevax Bivalent vaccine is the same wherever the vaccine is prepared these procedures have now been consolidated into one preparation SOP for each vaccine. We have withdrawn the shortform work instructions.

Sites may continue to use their existing localised SOPs for the vaccines that they already have in use, and use these resources to revise them as part of their regular review process. Alternatively, sites may start using the new August 2022 SOPs immediately.

Update history

  1. Added statement regarding removal of multiple vials from refrigerator Removed reference to lidded box, and clarified statement relates to punctured vials
  1. Published