Three events were held in May 2022. For those new to PGDs; for those with experience and finally to address question and answers from the first two.

PGD 1 – For those new to PGDs

The first session in our PGD series for 2022. For HCPs new to PGDs, we covered background and use in practice, as well as the new e-learning for health package.

You can access the recording here

A pdf of the slides is available below

PGD 2 – For those with more experience

The second session in our PGD series for 2022. For HCPs experienced with PGDs and their development, management and use.

You can access the recording here.

A pdf of the slides is available below

PGD 3 – Question and answer session

Questions from the two previous sessions were answered

You can access the recording here


Our PGD experts: Jo Jenkins, Tracy Rogers and Sandra Wolper

Barry Jubraj was our genial MC.

You can read about them below.


Contact us

Please contact the Admin Team for any questions.