Auditing Patient Group Direction

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SPS have developed a template audit tool to support organisations in auditing aspects of PGD development and use.

Auditing PGDs

PGDs use should be audited as part of an organisation’s medicines audit programme. The results of undertaken audits should be considered when PGDs are requested, reviewed and updated.

NICE PGD guidance states: ‘Agree and undertake a planned programme of monitoring and evaluation of PGD use within the service.’

Results of audits should inform whether a PGD remains the most suitable mechanism, is still required and will help organisations ensure PGDs use is appropriate.

Auditing antimicrobial PGDs

NICE  PGD guidance provides specific advice on the auditing of PGDs for the supply or administration of antimicrobials:

‘Do not jeopardise local and national strategies to combat antimicrobial resistance and healthcare-associated infections. Ensure that an antimicrobial is included in a PGD only when:

• clinically essential and clearly justified by best practice guidance
• a local specialist in microbiology has agreed that a PGD is needed and this is clearly documented
• use of the PGD is monitored and reviewed regularly’ 

PGD Audit Tool

SPS have developed a template audit tool to support organisations in auditing aspects of PGD development and use reflecting the audit recommendations of the NICE PGD guidance.

It can be used by organisations in its entirety, in part or as a basis to develop local audit plans and tools.  It has been adapted from audit tools in use by several organisations across England who kindly shared their audit processes with SPS.


Update history

  1. Formatting updated and additional section on abx auditing added
  1. Published