Find out what questions to ask and what information to consider when advising and managing medicine use during pregnancy


15 December 2021


Online via Webex

About the event

This month, Paula Russell addressed the topic of medicine use in pregnancy, including a discussion around COVID-19 vaccination during pregnancy.

Why it’s important

To be able to evaluate the use of medicines in pregnancy safely and efficiently, with an understanding of the key issues involved, is relevant to any pharmacy professional involved in medicines management during pregnancy.

What was covered

Registrants were asked to send in their questions about the use of medicines in pregnancy and Paula incorporated these into her presentation.

The episodes include:

  • a brief introduction to teratology – how medicines can affect pregnancy outcomes
  • risk assessments
  • the principles that underpin prescribing in pregnancy
  • what resources are available to you
  • commonly asked questions.

Our recently launched SPS webpages Safety in Pregnancy were also highlighted. These have been designed to help you through the process of providing informed advice in a clinical area where there is often a lack of robust clinical evidence: the questions to ask, recommended resources, risk assessments, key principles and formulating advice.


Paula Russell presented this webinar.

Paula is Principal Pharmacist at the Regional Drug and Therapy Centre in Newcastle upon Tyne.

This is a UKMI specialist centre for medicines in pregnancy.


The webinar was recorded in three parts and have been time stamped to help you find the section that is relevant to you.

Recording 1

Access recording 1

  • Teratogenicity (start – 16:46)
  • Physiological changes (16:49 – end)

Recording 2

Access recording 2

  • Timings and sensitivities (start – 09:05)
  • Prescribing in pregnancy (09:09 – end)

Recording 3

Access recording 3

  • Where to seek information and advice (start – 07:14)
  • Treating common conditions in pregnancy (07:15 – end)

Contact us

Regional Drug and Therapeutic Centre enquiries:  or phone 0191 2137855

Contact the Admin Team if you have any questions about this webpage.