Lists of new product launches

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Topics: New Medicines

Annual lists of new products and formulations that have launched, and had licence changes approved. Usually published each February.

Using our annual medicines planning content · Make sure you're getting the most from Prescribing Outlook

Our annual medicines planning product, Prescribing Outlook, has constraints and assumptions associated with its use. Users also have responsibilities to interpret the information appropriately. We’ve detailed these aspects.

Latest publication

This list does not include new generics unless they are licensed for a new indication that the originator brand is not licensed for, or they are presented in a new formulation with significant patient benefits.

Previous publications

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Annual medicines planning

Our annual Prescribing Outlook outputs support planning, implementation and budget planning for medicines every year.

Update history

  1. New Product Launches in 2022 added
  1. 'New Product Launches August 2020 to July 2021' replaced with 'New Product Launches in 2021'
  1. 'New Product Launches August 2019 to July 2020' replaced with 'New Product Launches in 2020'
  1. Published