Learning Disabilities Project: Structured Medicine Reviews

Event 21 October 2021Location Online
Topics: Care homesPast Events

This webinar sought to engage primary care colleagues to help shape an initiative for upskilling colleagues conducting SMRs in those with learning disabilities


21 October 2021



About the event

SPS have been commissioned to provide support to Primary Care Pharmacists in their developing roles and have been asked to explore how to upskill primary care pharmacists to undertake Structured Medication Reviews (SMRs) in those with a learning disability and to look at how a pilot might run.

Why it’s important

We want to be able to address your needs and therefore value your input to help shape this initiative.

What was covered

The event covered:

  1. Introductions to the project team and encouraging use of the chat box and Slido for questions and comments
  2. On screen sharing of our rudimentary operational document that we need your help on
  3. Outline timescales and evaluation plans along with other details
  4. Asking specific questions about how the pilot should run and capturing your answers for analysis
  5. Review of the chat box and input

Next steps

Following the webinar, we are doing the following:

  • Using your input to update the operational project document that we shared on the webinar
  • Sending the updated version round to you with an ‘expressions of interest form’ and a deadline to submit
  • Confirming pilot sites and move forward from there


A range of speakers ran this event from SPS and other organisations.

SPS speakers

Dr. Barry Jubraj facilitated the session. Learn more about Barry.

Non-SPS speakers

Nigget Saleem

Health Improvement Pharmacy Lead, Learning Disability and Autism at NHS England

Dave Gerrard

Health Improvement Pharmacy Lead, Learning Disability and Autism at NHS England


Access the recording of the webinar

Contact us

Contact the Admin Team if you have any questions