Extension of expiry date of a Patient Group Direction

Source NHS PGD WebsitePublished Last updated See all updates

This Q&A advises on the extension to the expiry date of a PGD where a full review and re-authorisation has not taken place.

Extending a PGD expiry

Extending the expiry date of a PGD should be exceptional practice only e.g. during organisational or service transition and should be for an agreed and limited period of no longer than one year. In line with the recommendations made in NICE MPG 2 (2017) the total valid period of a PGD should not exceed three years from the date the PGD was authorised.

Risk assessment

Extension of expiry dates without review of a PGD is not without risk but the organisation may deem this necessary where it is in the interests of patient safety; for example there may be a risk where withdrawing the PGD could result in significant service disruption and potential patient safety issues due to lack of access to medicines.


There should be agreed local processes for extension of expiry dates and this is an organisational not an individual responsibility.

If a period of extension is agreed, then this should be formally noted by the organisation alongside an agreed plan of action with timescales for review and re-approval of the PGD.

Organisations should ensure that all managers and practitioners working under the PGD are made aware of any expiry date extension of the PGD and any required action e.g. to commence review/audit.

It is not acceptable or legal for an individual practitioner to decide to use a PGD that has expired. Practitioners who do not wish to practice under a PGD that has had an extended expiry should discuss concerns with their manager.

Update history

  1. Formatting updated
  1. Content reviewed by SPS PGD Service Advisory Board as part of rolling content review and republished
  1. Published