Strategies to help you help your patients who are shielding and require support with medication supplies


20 October 2021



About the event

People who are shielding and aged over 70 years have experienced specific challenges with medicines management during the current pandemic.  This webinar went through the outcomes of the People Shielding and Household Medication practices (The PS-HOME study).

Why it’s important

Unintentional non-compliance is a real consequence of patients unable to obtain their medicines in a timely manner and there are actions we can take, as a profession, to help them.

What was covered

In this webinar Sara and Barry discussed the key findings of a recent study where patients shared their experiences of these challenges and how pharmacy can support them at these difficult times.  Two personal experiences will be shared and a forthcoming publication briefly highlighted on the topic of medicines administration at home.


A range of speakers ran this event from SPS and other organisations

SPS speakers

The webinar was hosted by Dr Barry Jubraj and you can read more about Barry by following the link.

Non-SPS speakers

Dr Sara Garfield

Research Pharmacist, Centre for Medication Safety and Service Quality
Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust


Access the recording of the webinar

Presentation resources

Slides from the presentation are now available below

Contact us

Contact the Admin Team if you have any questions