The UK Porphyria Medicines Information Service (UKPMIS) and Cardiff Porphyria Service produce a list of medicines that are considered to be safe for use in the acute porphyrias that is updated every year.

This list is based on the best information available at the time of compilation and provides guidance on medicines to use first line. It is not intended to be comprehensive. Inclusion of a medicine does not guarantee that it will be safe in all circumstances.

UKPMIS also provides an advisory service on making safe medicines choices for people with an acute porphyria. This service is available to UK healthcare professionals and people with porphyria living in the UK. Contact UKPMIS by telephone on 029 21842251.

2022 Porphyria Safe List

The current UKPMIS Porphyria Safe List is available as an alphabetical list or divided into therapeutic categories.

In the 2022 revised update

  • The following medicines have been added as safe
    • Abciximab
    • Argatroban
    • Casirivimab
    • Eptifibatide
    • Imdevimab
    • Sotrovimab
    • Nuclear medicine – technetium
  • No drugs have been removed from the list due to concerns about safe use in porphyria.

Update history

  1. Amendment to cardiovascular agents and anticoagulants & antiplatelets categories. The following medicines have also been added as SAFE: abciximab, argatroban, eptifibatide
  1. The following medicines have been added as SAFE: Casirivimab, imdevimab, sotrovimab, nuclear medicine - technetium.
  1. Attachments removed. Replaced with links to documents on UKPMIS website.
  1. The following medicines have been added as SAFE: COVID-19 vaccines, ribavirin, sarilumab
  1. Published