Accessing resources for patients on high risk medicines

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A number of resources are available to support the safe use of high-risk medicines. Healthcare professionals should ensure they are available for their patients

Resources to support patients

There are a number of patient-held risk minimisation materials available for healthcare professional to provide to patients.

Brand specific resources are available from individual manufacturers.

NHS England have developed a number of generic risk minimisation resources for certain high risk medicines.

Accessing Resources

Manufacturer specific

These are available in the risk minimisation material directory on the electronic medicines compendium.

NHS England

Primary care

Resources can be ordered from PCSE Online.

Secondary care

Resources can be ordered from NHS Forms.

Organisations may need to raise orders via a non-catalogue requisition in Oracle, selecting the supplier as XEROX.

NHS England Resources

The following resources are available to order as above.

Update history

  1. Images added to anticoagulant section
  1. Published