NHS Health and Justice Programme update and focus on controlled drugs (CDs)

Event 1 December 2022Location On-line - 13.30 - 16.45

This is the annual event for members of the SPS Secure Environment’s Group. This year we focused on Controlled Drugs and general programme updates.


1 December 2022


On-line - 13.30 - 16.45

About the event

This annual event presented

  • An update from the national HJ pharmacy lead about current and planned programmes
  • Controlled drugs presentations from national and regional NHS CDAOs to provide strategic and regional information about CDs and CDs in HJ assurance
  • Information from Home Office Drugs and Firearms Licencing Unit about their functions, CD licences and useful info for H&J
  • A panel-style session whereby pharmacy leads from HJ providers who have applied for licences and completed contract mobilisations can share their experiences, learning and processes.
  • Opportunities to agree on any strategic action needed nationally to support HJ pharmacy leads with CD licences.

CDs are a key challenge in H&J service both clinically and operationally. There are high risks of diversion and CD handling and compliance with legislation is a key part of the expectations in NHS commissioned HJ services. Recent inspections and HO CD licence applications have resulted in some high patient safety and medicines continuity risks. This event aims to provide support to HJ providers in understanding these risks and how to mitigate them with improved CD handling and licence application preparedness.

What was covered

  • Gain an understanding of national strategic update information about CD assurance
  • Learn how a regional CDAO team have engaged with HJ commissioners to support CD assurance and processes
  • Revisit the legal requirements for CD licences in HJ and the role of the HO DFLU
  • Reflect on how your organisation can improve CD handling and HO CD licence applications and preparedness
  • Receive an update on the national H&J strategic plan
  • Take the opportunity to share good practice and network with peers to develop your knowledge base.


Due to the sensitivity of the subjects discussed, the second part of the webinar was not recorded; a reference document of what was discussed will follow soon.

A recording of the first part of the webinar can be accessed here


Our Speakers

Our guest speakers:

Denise Farmer
National Pharmaceutical Adviser Health and Justice

NHS England East CDAO Team

Jane Newman
Senior Pharmacy Advisor

Michaela Aylward
Pharmacy Technician


Makeishia Afflick-Thorne
Senior Operational Compliance Manager

Angharad Thomas
Head of Drugs and Firearms Licensing Unit

The Provider Perspective from

Marta Pitarch – Central & North west London NHS

Chris Rowlands – Spectrum

Mark Langridge – Practice Plus

Sommaya Hussain – Oxleas

SPS Speakers

Dr Barry Jubraj will be our MC for this Meeting, you can read more about Barry below

Contact us

Please contact the Admin Team if you have any questions.