Health and Justice Event 2021

Event 23 November 2021Location Online

A deep-dive in to the strategic pharmacy workforce development plans and how these will affect Health and Justice


23 November 2021



About the event

This year’s Health and Justice meeting was held on line and was aimed at the following target audience:

  • Pharmacists and senior technicians providing or managing pharmacy services to Secure Environments and offender health care pathways
  • Education and Training Leads for the Health and Justice providers, and Trust Education and Training Leads
  • Pharmacists and senior technicians who provide support to commissioners of Health and Justice services

Sessions included a NHS Heath and Justice update, as well as hosting rotational foundation and trainee pharmacists in this secure environment setting.

Why it’s important

Staffing challenges within the NHS mean that it’s even more important to plan for tomorrow’s workforce now

What was covered

The learning outcomes for this event were:

  • Gain an understanding of the strategic pharmacy workforce development plans and how these will affect Health and Justice.
  • Reflect on how your organisation can implement the pharmacy workforce plans, using the insight from examples shared.
  • Receive an update on the national Health and Justice strategic plan
  • Take the opportunity to share good practice and network with peers to develop your knowledge base.

Programme of event

You can view the full programme below.


A range of speakers ran this event from SPS and other organisations.

SPS speakers

This event was hosted by Sarah and facilitated by Barry. Read more about our SPS colleagues by following the links.

Non-SPS Speakers

We were pleased to be joined by a number of excellent external speakers including:

Nick Haddington

Regional Pharmacy Dean, HEE

Denise Farmer

National Pharmaceutical Adviser Health and Justice, NHS England and Improvement

Amber O’Brien

Lead pharmacist Prison Pharmacist, HMP Berwyn

Esther Johnston

Chief Pharmacist

Sue Galloway

Pre-reg tutor

Amar Kang

Pre-registration pharmacist NSFT and HMP Hollesley Bay


This webinar was recorded in two parts:

Access recording 1

Including the welcome and Nick’s discussion on Pharmacy Workforce development overview and overall Strategic aims for Health and Justice.

Access recording 2

This includes the following:

  • Denise’s update on Health and Justice
  • Amber’s session on hosting a pharmacist foundation trainee
  • Esther’s experience of a Pre-registration pharmacist 3 month rotation
  • Breakout room feedback and take away messages

Contact us

Contact the Admin Team if you have any questions