Using COVID-19 vaccines in breastfeeding women

Published Last updated See all updates

Information for using COVID-19 vaccinations in breastfeeding women

Vaccination in breastfeeding women

Women may receive COVID-19 vaccines and continue to breastfeed.

As there is no known risk associated with giving non-live vaccines during breastfeeding the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) advises that breastfeeding women may be offered vaccination with COVID-19 vaccines.

The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA—formerly known as PHE) Immunisation Against Infectious Disease (the Green Book) confirms that emerging safety data is reassuring and protective antibodies have been detected in breast milk.

Patient information is available from the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) .

Advice regarding COVID-19 vaccination and blood clotting should be taken into consideration regarding vaccine selection, but does not alter the general advice that breastfeeding can continue after vaccination.

As with any medication exposure during breastfeeding, infants should be monitored. If the infant is not feeding as well as usual, or if there are any other concerns, a healthcare professional should be contacted.

Further advice is available from the .

Update history

  1. Editorial changes and updated links
  1. Updated advice as per Immunisation Against Infectious Disease (the Green Book) re emerging safety data.
  1. Increased specificity for the link to: Public Health England’s Immunisation Against Infectious Disease (The Green book).
  2. Resources checked and information remains correct.
  1. Removed advice to consider finish breastfeeding before vaccination as per Public Health England Update.
  2. General monitoring advice added.
  3. Information added regarding vaccination and blood clotting
  4. Information added regarding the Moderna vaccine
  1. Published