Advice on use of PGD by healthcare professionals on the NMC, HCPC or GPhC temporary registers.


In response to the COVID-19 pandemic the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC), the Healthcare Professionals Council (HCPC) and the General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC) opened temporary and/or provisional registers to register professionals who have either returned to their profession or are students awaiting final examinations/assessments.  These temporary registers were due to close in September 2022 but the Secretary of State asked on the 22nd September for these registers to remain open until 2024 link.

Patient Group Directions should only be used where this offers an advantage for patient care, without compromising patient safety, and where there are clear governance arrangements and accountability.

The NMC, HCPC and GPhC have advised the following regarding Patient Group Directions (PGDs) use by these registrants only where individuals have been locally assessed as competent to operate under a PGD:

Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC)

Deregistration less than 3 years ago at time of joining the temporary register

Nurses/Midwives who left the permanent register up to three years ago, have joined the temporary register and have no conditions of practice

Position regarding PGD use

May operate under PGDs if locally assessed and competent to do so and have undertaken the appropriate training.

Deregistered 4-5 years ago or overseas registrants at time of joining the temporary register

Overseas nurses or midwives with temporary registration who have yet to take their final OSCE and nurses or midwives who lapsed registration between 4 and 5 years ago, who have joined the temporary register and have conditions of practice in place.

Position regarding PGD use

May operate under PGDs if locally assessed and competent to do so and have undertaken the appropriate training

Further advice

Where a PGD is used by an appropriately trained and assessed nurse on the NMC temporary register with conditions of practice in place the responsibility for the entire episode of care including the decision to administer or supply a medicine under the PGD would lie solely with the nurse or midwife with temporary registration – they must not act in this role under the direction of any other person.

For further information see Delegation of supply or administration of medicines using a Patient Group Direction and Use of Patient Group Directions by registered healthcare professionals undertaking training or competency assessment and the NMC website 

Healthcare Professionals Council (HCPC)


Former registrants who had de-registered within the last three years (at the time of joining the temporary register) and who have joined the temporary register.

Position regarding PGD use

Anyone on the temporary register, with the exception of annotations (e.g. prescribing), is entitled to the same medical entitlements as a registrant in the same profession on the permanent register. This means temporary registrants can administer via PGDs without supervision if their profession has this right. However, they should only do so if they feel they have the required skills, knowledge and experience.

Further advice

For further information see Delegation of supply or administration of medicines using a Patient Group Direction and Use of Patient Group Directions by registered healthcare professionals undertaking training or competency assessment and the HCPC website.

General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC)


Pharmacists who had voluntarily removed themselves or were removed for non-renewal from the GPhC register in the last three years (at the time of joining the temporary register) and did not have Fitness to Practise issues, and who have joined the temporary register.

Position regarding PGD use

May operate under PGDs if locally assessed and competent to do so and have undertaken the appropriate training.

Further advice

For further information see Delegation of supply or administration of medicines using a Patient Group Direction and Use of Patient Group Directions by registered healthcare professionals undertaking training or competency assessment and the GPhC website

Update history

  1. Minor change to layout. Link to GPhC temporary register added.
  1. Page reformatted
  1. Removed reference to provisionally registered pharmacists as provisional register ended 31.01.2022
  1. Removal of HCPC advice for students as no longer relevant
  1. Update to reflect extension of temporary registers and addition of links to NMC, HCPC and GPhC advice on their temporary registers.
  1. Published