Our values express the beliefs of Specialist Pharmacy Service. They drive our decisions and determine our focus.


We believe in integrity. It’s at the very heart of what we do. We’re honest because we have to be. We’re impartial because we can be. Like the BBC, we’re balanced with no agenda (unlike some sources of pharmacy advice and information). Integrity drives and earns us trust. And without trust, we are lost.

Real world

We believe in being real world. We are human in all that we do. We make complex things simple and accessible. We are grounded in practice. Pharmacists depend on us, as their patients depend on them. The more rounded we are, the more holistic our service. We care deeply about people, helping them to live longer, healthier lives.


We believe in expertise. We are specialists in medicines, an authority in our field, the go-to group with over 240yrs of combined knowledge. Expertise is a human value, an inherent skill in our DNA…as editors, researchers and advisors. We are consistent, accurate and relevant. All our advice is evidence-based. This gives our ‘product’ a genuine quality.


We believe in effectiveness. We’re super-productive and always deliver, making us time and cost-effective. We live by our motto; do once & share. We join up people with other people and other people’s work. Teamwork and enthusiasm work wonders in medicine. When we collaborate, we innovate. In all aspects of our work, we want to change things for the better.