

Medicine Compliance Aid Stability

RenacetStanningley Pharma Limited

Stanningley Pharma Limited
Tablets f/c 475mg (3mmol Ca++), 950mg (6mmol Ca++)
A2 · Amber 2No stability data is available, the manufacturer does not, or cannot recommend use in CAs but there are no theoretical concerns with the product.
No special precautions for storage
No special precautions for storage.
8 April 2022

PhosexPharmacosmos UK Ltd

Pharmacosmos UK Ltd
Tablets 1 gram (6.2mmol Ca++)
A3 · Amber 3No stability data is available. There are theoretical concerns with use in CAs, which may be mitigated by risk minimisation.
Airtight container
Protect from moisture
Hygroscopic, store in airtight containers. Manufacturer recommends maximum 7 days in MCA.
8 April 2022

Lactation Safety Information

As phosphate binder

As phosphate binder
5 August 2020