


Emtricitabine/tenofovir and raltegravir tablets for HIV PEP

5 October 2021A PGD template developed by SPS and the British Association of Sexual Health and HIV (BASHH) and British Association of HIV (BHIVA).
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Medicine Compliance Aid Stability

IsentressMerck Sharp & Dohme Ltd

Merck Sharp & Dohme Ltd
Tablets 400mg
A3 · Amber 3No stability data is available. There are theoretical concerns with use in CAs, which may be mitigated by risk minimisation.
Airtight container
Protect from moisture
Store in airtight containers. Soluble in water.
7 November 2022

IsentressMerck Sharp & Dohme Ltd

Merck Sharp & Dohme Ltd
Tablets chewable 25mg, 100mg
R1 · Red 1Stability data indicates that the drug is not suitable for CAs.
Chewable tablets stored with dessicant in original pack.
15 February 2022

Lactation Safety Information

Specialist drug/complex disease area for which expert advice is recommended
21 September 2020