


High dose loperamide use in high stoma output or short bowel syndrome

11 January 2022This guidance explores the dosing and monitoring advice when using high dose loperamide to reduce high stoma output or in short bowel syndrome in adults.
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Medicine Compliance Aid Stability

Imodium IBS Relief 2mg Soft CapsulesMcNeil Products Ltd

McNeil Products Ltd
Imodium IBS Relief 2mg Soft Capsules
Capsules (soft) 2mg
A3 · Amber 3No stability data is available. There are theoretical concerns with use in CAs, which may be mitigated by risk minimisation.
Airtight container
Protect from light
Protect from moisture
Protect from light. Protect from moisture. Airtight container.
15 August 2022

Imodium Instant MeltsMcNeil Products Ltd

McNeil Products Ltd
Imodium Instant Melts
Tablet orodispersible 2mg
R2 · Red 2Drug is not suitable for CAs due to theoretical reasons that cannot be mitigated.
Orodispersible tablet so unsuitable for inclusion in MCA.
15 August 2022

Lactation Safety Information

Only negligible amounts in breast milk
Considered safe for short-term use
31 July 2020