

Refrigerated Storage

ArgipressinAdvanz Pharma

Advanz Pharma
20 units/mL solution for injection

Contact Advanz Pharma in all cases where a deviation from the recommended storage conditions has occurred. Please refer to the manufacturer’s product literature for recommended storage information and company contact details at

8 September 2022
London MI Service

Argipressin AOPAOP Orphan

AOP Orphan
Argipressin AOP
20 units/mL solution for injection

In the event of an inadvertent temperature excursion the following data may be used:
The product is stable for 3 months at temperatures up to 25°C.
The product can be returned to the fridge if exposed to the conditions above provided the product has not been exposed to freezing temperatures or exceeded 25°C.

Please also refer to the manufacturer’s product literature for recommended storage information at

No change in expiry date is required if exposed to the conditions above
15 September 2022
London MI Service

Lactation Safety Information

Low levels anticipated in milk which are likely to be degraded in infant’s GI tract
11 September 2020